Monday, December 5, 2011

50k = 55k Part II

Wow. It has been several months since I last updated this sight and entertained you with tales of my adventures. I apologize. In the next post I will describe the adventure that has delayed my words from emerging on this page.

When you last checked in, I was describing my first ever ultra-marathon.

After correcting our mistake the group of eight took the right path and began our long climb up Frosty Mountain. I separated from the group here as I sprinted ahead, hoping to make up lost time. 

The climb up Frosty Mountain started out in the forest and then ascended to meadows and eventually an alpine, rocky environment. It was here that the day went from glorious sunshine to snow, rain and fierce wind. Every step I took it felt like the mountain was trying to push me onto the jagged rocks below. 

I had to stop once to put on my jacket as the wind was tearing at my flesh, causing it to go numb. The ascent was painstakingly slow as there was a bottleneck up the path.

Finally I arrived at the top and managed to glimpse the mountain range behind me. The view was worth the effort it took to get up. I was now ready for the long descent back into the race.

The descent down was fast and I eventually arrived at km 25, halfway. I stopped at the snack station, grabbed some gummy worms, potatoes and chocolate and continued on my way. I now had a long descent, followed by long rolling hills before that last descent to the finish line. I continued along the lake for 5 km before starting up the path to the next summit.

This was the hardest part of the race. I had to run along the shore and the whole time I could see the finish line. Begging me to come to her, begging to me stop and just give up. That was mentally draining. I was glad to enter the tress and get away from that tempation.

Stay tuned for Part III.

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